Black Box BRD

Black Box BRD
May 24, 2001
Traudl Herrhausen, Rainer Grams, Werner Grams, Ruth Grams, Thomas R. Fischer, Hilmar Kopper, Rolf-Ernst Breuer, Michael Endres

Synopsis Black Box BRD

Black Box BRD steps back into German history, showing the Federal Republic of Germany of the 70s and 80s. The country is polarized due to the power struggle of the German state and the "Red Army Faction". Society is torn, the fronts are irreconcilable. The life stories of both Wolfgang Grams and Alfred Herrhausen are tragically linked to this era. Grams is the one who takes up arms for moral rigor; Herrhausen however seizes power and dies when powerful.

Zero Film GmbHTraudl HerrhausenRainer GramsWerner GramsRuth GramsThomas R. FischerHilmar KopperRolf-Ernst BreuerMichael Endres

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