The Beast in Heat

The Beast in Heat
Jul 19, 1977
Macha Magall, Gino Turini, Edilio Kim, Xiro Papas, Salvatore Baccaro, Brigitte Skay, Alfredo Rizzo, Benito Pacifico

Synopsis The Beast in Heat

In a remote village in occupied Europe, the SS pursue their inhuman treatment of captured partisans in efforts to force them to betray their comrades.... while Fraulein Krast, a sadistic biologist, concentrates her efforts on the womenfolk with refined tortures and humiliation, leaving them to the mercy of a sex-crazed half-man, half-beast she has created with experimental injections.... And as advancing Allied forces approach the village, Krast herself becomes a victim of her own fiendish rituals....

Eterna FilmSonora FilmsMacha MagallGino TuriniEdilio KimXiro PapasSalvatore BaccaroBrigitte SkayAlfredo RizzoBenito Pacifico

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